The Journey from Fear to Grace: A Review of Jinger Duggar Vuolo’s Becoming Free Indeed

“The Christian life was a treadmill, and I was constantly picking up the pace, pushing myself harder and harder. But like a treadmill, there was no destination, no arrival point that signaled the end of all that pushing. There was just … effort.” (116)

With these words Jinger Duggar Vuolo summarizes, in her new book Becoming Free Indeed, what life was like growing up in a family that adhered to the teachings of Bill Gothard.


The Whale and the Cow: Surprising Mercy in Jonah’s Story


“If Jonah is right to have compassion on the plant, is not the Lord’s right to have compassion on a city of more than 120,000 people, along with much cattle? Now, with the context settled, we can get back to our question: Why does the Lord mention cattle?” - Desiring God


Why Does Creation Groan? Christianity Today Gives a Very Wrong Answer


“…the god of evolution is an ogre who used a wasteful, brutal process to create life and the universe! At least Schneider is honest about what the evolutionary story means for theology (though, of course, he goes on to invent a way to explain evolution and a loving God).” - Ken Ham


He’s Not an It: Understanding the Person of the Holy Spirit


“If you’ve seen some Christian media programs, you might be tempted to think that the Spirit is some kind of a bizarre force that knocks people down and causes them lose control of their minds or bodies.” - P&D
