The Pope, Same-Sex Blessings, and Protestants
“the woes of contemporary Catholicism are not so easily separated from those of contemporary conservative Protestants at this point.” - Carl Trueman
The Catholic Church's beliefs and practices concerning blessings and universalism of salvation contribute to its willingness to give blessings to homosexuals and others. The Fiducia Supplicans is part of the Catholic incremental slide to total Biblical denial.
Wally Morris
Huntington, IN
What has disturbed so many clergy about Pope Francis is that he seems to be lax in following the precepts laid down by prior Church councils, including the Council of Trent. For instance, Trent confirmed that one must be in a state of grace before receiving Communion. Pope Francis, however, has presided over Masses where known clear and unrepentant supporters of abortion, like Nancy Pelosi and Joe Biden, received Communion. He has also welcomed audiences with same-sex couples and others clearly flaunting an immoral lifestyle. The pontiff seems to believe he is following Christ’s image of tolerance