Nothing Is More Often Misdiagnosed Than Our Homesickness for Heaven


“We think that what we want is sex, drugs, alcohol, a new job, a raise, a doctorate, a spouse…a cabin in the woods, a condo in Hawaii. What we really want is the person we were made for, Jesus, and the place we were made for, Heaven. Nothing less can satisfy us.” - Alcorn


Thinking About Revival: The Character of Revival


“But notice the quality, the character of Pentecost in verse 43. ‘Then fear came upon every soul.’ Fear. Awe. Reverence. Honour. Dignity. Sobriety. The fear of the Lord is at the heart of revival.” - P&D


Logos refocuses, leans into its history of Bible study tools


“Having sunset its church management products marketed under the Faithlife brand, including Equip, Live Stream, Giving and Sites, Logos will now move into the spotlight as the company’s primary public-facing brand encompassing the Logos Bible Study App, Proclaim, Lexham Press and other products.” - RNS


Dueling Midrash: Satan vs. Jesus in the Temptation in the Wilderness (Part 1)

Read the series.

(Matt. 4:1-11, Mark 1:12-13, Luke 4:1-13)

Most Christians do not think of Jesus’ wilderness temptation as including extensive debate between two rabbis who were arguing over midrash (appropriate interpretation). The debate between Jesus and Satan could well have been an extensive debate; perhaps many Bible passages were hurled back and forth with only a few summary examples mentioned.


Book Review – Discovering Dispensationalism


“What is unique about Discovering Dispensationalism is that the contributors seek to highlight key dispensational principles that can be found in nearly every era of church history.” - DBTS Blog
