A Christian Leader

In The Nick of Time

For the first time in nearly 10 years, Douglas McLachlan is not my pastor. His retirement service at Fourth Baptist Church (Plymouth, MN) took place last Sunday night. Filled with remembrances and a few tears, it was a fitting conclusion to 18 years of ministry at Fourth.


On the Passing of Jerry Falwell

In The Nick of Time
Reporters are not given to apologizing. They are the sort of people who can stick a microphone in the face of a mother as she is being notified of her child’s death. They like controversy, they delight in conflict, and they love any event that will make a story. For reporters to apologize is the rarest of events, usually reserved for occasions when they are caught plagiarizing or blatantly lying. This fact underlines the significance of the reporter I heard the other day.


Book Review: The New England Theology

The New England Theology: From Jonathan Edwards to Edwards Amasa Park. Edited by Douglas A. Sweeney and Allen C. Guelzo. Grand Rapids, MI: Baker Academic, 2006. 320 pages. $29.99/hardback.


Book Review—The Gospel of Free Acceptance in Christ

The Gospel of Free Acceptance in Christ: An Assessment of the Reformation and New Perspectives on Paul by Cornelis P. Venema. Edinburgh: The Banner of Truth Trust, 2006. 352 pp. $28.00/hardback.


Robert Delnay—The SharperIron Interview | Part 3—Keswick View of Sanctification

delnay.jpgI had the privilege of interviewing Dr. Robert Delnay for SI. Dr. Delnay has taught at many fundamental colleges and seminaries during his life. He currently teaches at Clearwater Christian College. I did three interviews with him—the first two about his life and work and about the Northern Baptist Convention.

In this third interview, I asked him about the Keswick view of sanctification.


Book Review—Solving the Romans Debate

Solving the Romans Debate by A. Andrew Das. Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 2007. 324 pages. $24.00/Paperback.
