The Use of Scripture in Theology

In The Nick of TimeAll good theology is based upon exegesis. It grows out of the careful handling of Scripture. Doctrinal propositions are merely human opinions until they are grounded firmly in the text of the Bible.


A Call for Qualified Book Reviewers

Bowker, the world’s leading provider of bibliographic information, reported that in 2005, 172,000 new titles and editions were published in the United States. The preliminary count of books published in the category of “Religion” was 9,222. This statistic is almost double the number from 1993. This fact indicates “all too clearly that mania scribendi is a well-established characteristic of our age.” [1]


Church Planting and Ice Cream

In The Nick of Time
Note: This article is the first of a three-part exchange between Jeff Straub and Kevin Bauder.

by Jeff Straub

I have to admit, I like ice cream—chocolate, moose tracks, peaches and cream—you name it, and I like it. Baskin-Robbins, Cold Stone Creamery, Ben & Jerry’s. You get the picture.


Do You Have the Power of God?

In The Nick of Time“Do you have the power of God?” The Great Man bellowed this question in a mock-Texas accent. With popping veins and a hoarse voice, he bawled out a second time, “I said, do you have the POWER of GOD!?” Clearly, he thought that the impressionable youngsters to whom he was speaking did not have that power. He went on to tell them what a bunch of failures most of them would likely become (not at all like him).


Could Christ Return in 2007?

by John C. Whitcomb, Th.D

The Biblical answer to this burning question is—yes and no! Yes, He could return from heaven at any moment now to meet His true church—His body and bride—in the air. And, therefore, no—He will not come down to the earth during the next 12 months. His return to the earth will occur seven years after the church has been caught up to heaven.
