Interview with Albert Mohler on the State of Complementarianism


“An affirmation of biblical truth, which would include the affirmation of complementarianism, has to be rooted in a joyful biblical theology that is grounded in God’s purpose in creating human beings in His image, His purpose in making us male and female, instituting marriage, and the gift of sexuality.” - CBMW


Liberty in the Things of God (Book Review)


“A widely-held paradigm in Western intellectual history is that religious freedom originated with enlightened intellectuals during the seventeenth century. … Robert Louis Wilken’s latest book, Liberty in the Things of God: The Christian Origins of Religious Freedom, challenges this dominant narrative.” - CBMW


Lost Innocence: Let’s Give Children a Childhood


“Why do some children’s authors wish to promote sex, orgies, drugs, and violence? Is there not enough such obscenity in our adult culture – our movies, our music, and our books – without letting it ooze over into children’s literature?” - Intellectual Takeout


“‘Bulverism’; that is, finding in someone’s social location or other interests a hidden motivation that supposedly invalidates all their reasoning.”


“Bulverism, in all my experience, is never satisfied. Those who resort to it have never given me any evidence that they think their opponents can be won over, only derided, defeated, and destroyed. In fact, resorting to Bulverism is itself a declaration that efforts at persuasion have been judged useless or unnecessary.


From the Archives: The Dignity of Being Human

The other day I was driving in downtown Kokomo and saw a comical sight—comical for me, at least. A man in pickup truck was backing into a parking space, tapped the streetlight pole with his truck’s bumper, and—boom! Down she went. Although he did not hit the pole hard, one weighty tap was all it took.


Did David Rape Bathsheba?


“If I were asked this question, and I have been asked this question in the past, I would respond with a very qualified, ‘I’m not sure.’” - John Ellis


Covenant in Ezekiel, Part 3

Read the series.

A Valley Full of Dry Bones

The first vision in Ezekiel 37 is the best known in the book. If people are ignorant of everything else in the book, they are often aware of the valley of dry bones, though frequently they have no idea what it means. It surely doesn’t help when commentators apply the whole passage to the Christian church.
