New: “...a fine, user-friendly critical edition of Bavinck's Reformed Ethics.”


“Bavinck’s theological approach to ethics is divided into two books: Humanity before Conversion (Bk. 1) and Converted Humanity (Bk. 2). Chapter One introduces terms, definitions and Scripture overview for the essence of humanity (i.e. Imago Dei), The Good, freedom of the will, work, and vocation… Book Two begins with the essence and origins of the spiritual life of believers” - Ref 21


The Well-Meant Offer: God Begs the Wicked to Repent (Ezek 33:11), Part 1

Read the series.

The setting of Ezekiel’s prophecy in general and of our text in particular is the exile. The first phase of the exile took place around 605 B.C. The second phase of the exile took place about 7 or 8 years later, around 597 B.C. And the final stage of the exile took place in 586 B.C. This is when the Babylonians destroyed the walls and temple of Jerusalem.


The Gospel of Peter

The Gospel of Peter is apocryphal, dating at least back to the very late 2nd century. As far as its contents goes, its chief claim to fame is a walking and talking cross, and Jesus with a head so big it stretches to the heavens above. Here is the gospel, in its entirety:1


8 Reasons to Reject Stanley’s Irresistible: Reasons 5 - 8

5. He posits that the Old Testament has been completely fulfilled.

Stanley is correct that the church has at times incorrectly understood the Old Testament and in some cases has used the Old Testament to subjugate and coerce others. Rather than discussing the hermeneutical mistakes and complexities that led to abuses, Stanley simply posits that the entire Old Testament is now fulfilled and should be detached from the New Testament.
