Is Middle Knowledge Biblical? An Evaluation (Part 2)


“How biblical is middle knowledge? This question will not likely be resolved on purely exegetical grounds. A more definitive answer will be sought by evaluating some of the divergent theological presuppositions about God that lie behind these important exegetical discussions.” - Ref 21

(Cf. Part 1)


Beyond Authority and Submission: A Review


“This selectivity in choosing examples could lead the reader to miss the overarching trends that we see in scripture with respect to male and female roles….When giving positive examples of men and women, which qualities are typically emphasized in the Bible? Miller’s analysis seems to give a flattened-out answer to this question.” - Ref21


Jeremiah’s Great Eschatological Vision (Part 5)

Read the series.

What Yahweh Thinks of Covenant-Breakers

Having just uttered what is undoubtedly one of the most unambiguous promises in literature, and coming on the back of an entire extended portion on the subject of Israel’s eschatological hope (Jer. 30 – 33), Jeremiah switches gear to relate an incident under the quickly ebbing reign of king Zedekiah.


Who are the angels in 1 Timothy 3:16?

1 Timothy 3:16 And without controversy great is the mystery of godliness: God was manifest in the flesh, justified in the Spirit, seen of angels, preached unto the Gentiles, believed on in the world, received up into glory.

Who are the angels in this verse? When did they see Christ? Why we are told about Christ’s being seen by them in this key NT verse?

Poll Results

Who are the angels in 1 Timothy 3:16?


Did David rape Bathsheba?


“If reasonable arguments can be made exegetically then perhaps we ought not to anathematize people who believe differently than we do on issues such as this. Perhaps someone can believe that David and Bathsheba committed adultery and still support the #metoo and #churchtoo moments.” - Dave Miller


Why (More Than Ever Before) You Need to Read Deeply


“Birkerts puts his point succinctly near the end of the book: ‘My core fear is that we are, as a culture, as a species … giving up on wisdom, the struggle for which has for millennia been central to the very idea of culture.’” - TGC
