Christianity Today's 2020 Book Awards


“The lives and afterlives of great books are hard to forecast. Some make waves right from the starting gun. Others take the scenic route, ambling along until some twist of circumstance lifts them from obscurity.” - Christianity Today


Do you believe there is a good chance Jesus was born on December 25th?

There seems to be a growing viewpoint that Christ could have been born on December 25. Offhand, any day would have a one out of 365.25 chance of being correct, but is there enough evidence to suggest December 25 has more going for it than other days of the year, as per this article:

So what do you think?

Poll Results


How the Bible’s Irony Combats the Prosperity Gospel


“There are two kinds of biblical or theological irony. There is retributive irony whereby God punishes people by the very means of their own sin. There is also redemptive irony whereby the faithful appear to be cursed, but as they persevere in faith, they are really in the midst of being blessed.” - G. K. Beale


Is There Still a Place for Blogs in 2020?


“Twitter causes as many problems as it solves by its immediacy and by the nature of its character limit; Facebook emphasizes the most urgent information while older updates or articles almost immediately disappear into the void. These forms of social media speak to the present, but don’t adequately archive information. They allow people to speak quickly, but don’t value thoughtfulness.” - Challies


The Gospel Coalition 2019 Book Awards


“The early Christians were considered weird for many reasons—worship of a crucified man, the gospel’s exclusive claims, ethical demands that included one’s sexuality, and more. But here’s a distinctive that might surprise you: the early church was marked by its ‘bookish’ religion.” - TGC


Wayne Grudem Rethinks Biblical Grounds for Divorce


“At last week’s annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society, Grudem gave a talk titled ‘Grounds for Divorce: Why I Now Believe There Are More Than Two.’ In it, he cited biblical exegesis plus real-life examples for his revised position.” - Church Leaders


Responding to Criticisms of Christianity


“Hardly any comment thread on this blog is without someone blaming Christians and Christianity for war, slavery, oppression, sexism, intolerance…. Bring up the value of Lutheran theology and you can count on accusations that Luther is responsible for Hitler and the Holocaust. So how should Christians respond to such criticisms?” - Gene Veith
