SBC Controversy over Speaking in Tongues


Denny Burk fleshes out the story a bit more, and narrows the controversy down to three issues:
(1) Definition and Function of the Charismatic Gifts of the Spirit
(2) The Bible’s Teaching about the Roles of Women in Ministry
(3) Baptist Identity and the Proper Basis for Cooperation among Baptist Churches
HT: Justin Taylor


Watch Your Tongues!


SBC seminary gets tough on tongues. Read about it here.


Iain Murray to Calvinists: "Just let the Scripture speak."


“The danger is if we become reformed… Calvinistic… we would hate anyone to think that we were Arminian. And sometimes, that leads men to be far more… circumscribed than they ought to be. You know, we quote the text ‘Not for our sins only- propitiation- not for our sins only, but for the sins of the whole world.’ Well, sometimes, when you hear a Calvinist quote that text, he can’t leave the text. He has to put in brackets, ‘Doesn’t mean this, doesn’t mean that.’ We shouldn’t do that!
