A Must-See


Today’s Dilbert is too good!


Anticipating Our Future Because We Have Resolved Our Past

Everyone who has ever had expectations knows disappointment. Friends break their word, marriages end in divorce, our children move away and take our grandchildren with them, doctors can’t cure our ailments, people use us for their own ends, our investments go bust; but often our biggest disappointment is ourselves and what we have or have not done. We live in a world full of disappointment, and if we do not grapple with this reality, we are doomed to be unhappier tomorrow than we are today.




Here are the top five in the SI Fantasy Football League based on win/loss record and most points earned:
1. Brian Cooper (6-1)
2. Frank Sansone (5-2)
3. Matt Tolosa (5-2)
4. Jay Camp (5-2)
5. Thomas Pryde (5-2)
The season rolls along. Cooper has reasserted his place at the top of the pack. The other names are becoming more familiar in the Top 5. Jay Camp is making a quick rise.
