
Here are the top five in the SI Fantasy Football League based on win/loss record and most points earned:
1. Brian Cooper (5-0)
2. Matt Tolosa (4-1)
3. Frank Sansone (4-1)
4. Thomas Pryde (4-1)
5. Jared Page (3-2)
For the first time this season, all teams in the Top 5 are from the same division (East). Will the West ever rise again?
You can take the smack talk here.


Regarding Vision Forum


I am currently dialoguing with the leadership at VF. For now, I have closed all threads related to the debate. I will make our readership aware at the appropriate time of how this issue gets resolved.
Several have contacted SI with a desire to pass along information that is relevant to what we are experiencing. Feel free to email me at jasonjanz@sharperiron.org.


Why Sing? | Part 2

Link to Part 1

Using Music to Mature the Emotions

If churches want to establish mature believers, then they must aim at the whole of man, including his emotions. God has given man music as a tool to help him express his emotions. Any casual reader of Scripture will recognize the clear connection between music and emotional expression. Here are just a few examples:
