
Here are the top five in the SI Fantasy Football League based on win/loss record and most points earned:
1. Matt Tolosa (5-1)
2. Brian Cooper (5-1)
3. Thomas Pryde (5-1)
4. Frank Sansone (4-2)
5. Jeremiah Kinney (4-2)
It finally happened! Cooper has been taken down in a head-to-head match against Jay Camp by .5 point! Now, it’s anybody’s championship! Stay tuned!


A Summary and Justification of Classical Education

Tremors are shaking the field of Christian education. Some ministries do not notice, some have heard of the shaking, some have felt it, some have felt it hard, and then some are the ground-stomping tree-shakers. The shaking is starting to grow larger and broader and noisier every year. The shaking has inspired Gene E. Veith, Jr. and Andrew Kern to write a book titled Classical Education: The Movement Sweeping America.


A Spur to Churchplant

Note: This article was originally posted November 18, 2005.
A hundred years ago, a couple of men in their twenties and a teenage girl, reared on land now called Idaho, became the chief instruments for one of America’s greatest adventures, discovering a Northwest Passage for the President of the United States.


I'm Biased

A Review of the Northwest Baptist Missions Conference

If you have never been to a Northwest Baptist Missions (NBM) Annual Fellowship Meeting, you’ve missed out on one of the most unique, close-knit bands of preachers and their families anywhere in the country. No humbugs. No spiritual charlatanism. It is fellowship with a big capital F. Or should I say “family,” only in all bold letters?


Remembering Martyn Lloyd-Jones


The latest 9 Marks Interview features Sir Fred and Lady Elizabeth Catherwood (Lloyd-Jones daughter) reminiscing about the life and ministry of her late father
