Rosaria Butterfield’s ‘Five Lies of Our Anti-Christian Age’ – Foreword

“The front lines today are battles over sex, gender, and identity. We must be ready for a fight in precisely these places.” - Kevin DeYoung


I have never read Butterfield other than short interviews. My impression is that she is probably a good read.

But I think one of the reasons we’re losing the ‘culture war,’ is that too many think the ‘front lines’ are the most important part of the conflict.

I’m not sure how well the war analogy even works in reference to culture, but to work with it a bit—you have to fight on the front lines, but that’s not really where wars are won. There’s a huge infrastructure required to keep personnel, munitions, food and miscellaneous moving to those front lines. Beneath that, there’s the motivation behind both sides. Why are they fighting in the first place?

Consider Russia v Ukraine and how much money, etc., etc., has to be constantly funneled toward them to keep the war going—because Putin has lots of money, etc., etc., coming from his own sources.

So wars are not really won on the front lines, and putting excessive attention there leads to neglect of other things… and ultimately, losing.

(But the ‘culture war’ is really a small battle in the war of the ages… which Christ wins, regardless. We already know how The Story ends. We should also not lose sight of that! … see John 14:27)

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.