Some Recommended Books on Christology

This post comes in response to a brother in the Middle East who seems to be combating false teaching in this area. I hope that this helps. I have not included the apposite sections within the major Systematic Theologies, nor have I included the important critical studies of Dunn or Pannenberg (which are both worth reading). These books furnish a well-rounded portrait of the Jesus of the Bible and His identity as the God-Man.


Review: ‘A Personal God and a Good World: The Coherence of the Christian Moral Vision’


“At the core of A Personal God and a Good World lies the simple, common-sense fact that our consciousness and our conscience tell us the same, seemingly paradoxical truth about ourselves: ‘human beings are valuable, perhaps infinitely valuable; at the same time, we are not intrinsically good; there is something morally broken about us.’” - Ref21


Thoughts on Digital Libraries in 2025


“My general strategy has been to collect commentaries and reference works in Logos format and other resources in Kindle…. if I am preparing a sermon, I am probably using Logos and if I am reading a book for pleasure or review, I am probably using my Kindle.” - Challies


TGC Editor’s Pick: 7 Recent Theology Books


“In 2024, faithful evangelical publishers released hundreds of theologically orthodox and robustly biblical books. Though we still have work to do in defending Scripture from critical erosion, there’s now more intellectual space for theologians to explore narrower doctrinal topics with precision.” - TGC


Review of William Boekestein's ‘Finding My Vocation’


Finding My Vocation is a rare achievement. It expresses rich biblical and theological principles (informed by some of the best minds from church history) with simplicity, clarity, and specificity.” - Ref21
