Review: ‘A Personal God and a Good World: The Coherence of the Christian Moral Vision’


“At the core of A Personal God and a Good World lies the simple, common-sense fact that our consciousness and our conscience tell us the same, seemingly paradoxical truth about ourselves: ‘human beings are valuable, perhaps infinitely valuable; at the same time, we are not intrinsically good; there is something morally broken about us.’” - Ref21


New Premill Podcast


“I have an exciting new project I want to share with our faithful community of [Cripplegate] readers. Today is the first day of a new Bible Q&A podcast we are launching, called ‘Cage Free Theology.’” - Cripplegate


On Wildfires, Judgment, and Compassion


“Our problem, as spokesmen for God in our culture, is when judgment comes and we have been negligent in warning. If we told them so beforehand, saying ‘I told you so’ when trouble comes is unnecessary (and unkind).” - P&D


The Danger of Replacing Israel (Part 2)

In the previous installment, we considered the origin and nature of Replacement Theology, which involves understanding the church to be the new Israel or the spiritual Israel, or otherwise taking the concept of Israel (the people, the nation, or the land) in some non-literal sense when we encounter it within the text of Holy Scripture.


What You Teach About Matthew’s Date Matters

Pastor, at some point this year you will be providing background context for the NT passage which you are about to preach, guiding your flock in properly visualizing the world of Jesus and the apostles, so that your people might better connect with the passage and also apply the background framework in their own studies. What will you teach them concerning the origin of the Gospels?

My goal in this article is to encourage you to pause and reflect on what will be said concerning the publication date of Matthew’s Gospel.
