Accepting God’s Providence


“We cannot tell whether God means to bless America and the world by preserving Donald Trump, or to judge it. Time will tell. The same is true (although most likely on a smaller scale) for the Comperatore family. Surely, God’s providence allowed their loss.” - Don Johnson


On Church, Part 3: What’s the Point?

Read the series.

I’ve suggested in the earlier posts in this series that you ought to be part of a local church, an assembly of (admittedly broken) believers—that reasons for not doing that are invalid, and that those same reasons actually call for serious commitment, for becoming an active, registered member.


Divine Eternity: On God's Relationship to Time


“Does God exist in time or independently of it? Is he timelessly eternal, or does his life pass through an everlasting succession of moments? Most Christians agree that God transcends time in some fashion, but how, exactly?” - Credo


What Does the Bible Teach About Divorce and Remarriage?


“ ‘Do I have to stay in this marriage?’ Carol asked. As her pastor, my first response was to show compassion and work with a team of church members to ensure Carol’s ongoing safety. But I also had a responsibility to give a clear answer to Carol’s question.” - TGC


John 14:1-3 and the Rapture (Part 3)

In Part 2 of this series, we presented four options for understanding what Jesus meant at John 14:1-3:

Table 1

We also suggested a grading scale for evaluating these options:


Against the Moral vs. Medical Divide


“it is not only pastors like MacArthur who embrace the medical-moral divide. Advocates and clinicians in the mental health world do also. Sometimes…advocates will state that mental illness has nothing to do with character, weakness of will, or anything else that sounds moral” - Mere Orthodoxy
