8 Proofs that the Bible Is One Story

Does the Bible sometimes seem random to you? What does Hezekiah have to do with Philemon? How is Enoch connected to Ruth? What do battles in ancient Mesopotamia have to do with the church? Is the Bible really all one story?

Here are eight proofs that the Bible is one story.


God’s Plan to Redeem the Earth


“The entire physical universe was created for God’s glory. When we rebelled, the universe fell under the weight of our sin. Yet God did not give up on us.” - Randy Alcorn


Making Church History Relevant for Pastors & Students (Part 1)

Most of us took our church history classes1 in Bible college or seminary (or both) because we had to complete another requirement to graduate. Of course, there were some famous episodes within the last 2,000 years of Christian history that we wanted to know about.


Title: Should we say “Maybe I’m weak?” (Rom14,1Cor8-10)

Discussing Romans 14, Larry recently said:

I continue to believe that identifying who is “strong” and who is “weak” is irrelevant to the overall point.

The idea is that while each believes he has the mature, knowledgeable position, he should admit that he might be weak “Maybe I’m weak.” Each believes the other is likely weak and should treat him on that basis by not judging or despising.


Mainline denominations try new ideas as they face declines in members and money


“When the Episcopal Church recently announced cuts to its national staff, it was the latest in a long-running cycle among historic U.S. Protestant denominations…. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) also announced recent cuts to staff at its headquarters and in its global missions program.” - RNS


A Good God in a Wicked World: Considering the Problem of Evil, Part 2

By Jonathan Moreno. From DBSJ 22 (2017): 75-90. Republished with permission. Read the series.

The Complexity of the Problem

Grappling with the problem of evil is a notoriously dubious endeavor due in part to the complexity of the problem. Therefore, if any viable solutions are to be reached, the specific kind of evil must be recognized and defined, and the theological system in which that evil resides must be identified.


What Is Sacred Work?


“What I intend to do in this discussion is to take a fresh look at and break down the sacred-secular divide. I have a new idea that may cause us to think a little deeper about this critical topic in the theology of work.” - IFWE


God Makes Much of Little Things


“God isn’t just in life’s monumental things. He’s present in the little things: rain drops, the artistry of spider webs, and the sound of an acoustic guitar. A child’s laugh…. If we disregard these and thousands of other gifts, we don’t just fail to notice them, we fail to notice God.” - Randy Alcorn
