In new book, Russell Moore urges evangelicals to stop lying and come back to Jesus

“I’m talking more about the disconnect between what people really believe and what the expectations of the tribe demand. And that is what I see to be so dangerous and exhausting to people.” - RNS


I would agree that too many evangelicals, including a party of my own church, were uncritical of Donald Trump.

Another thing that caused huge issues was uncritical acceptance of any crackpot theory that went against what the CDC/NIH/Fauci/WHO were saying. Yes, the "great authorities" totally blew it in any number of ways--putting COVID patients into nursing homes, refusing to use COVID-specific wards for treatment, ignoring aerosol transmission, downplaying evidence of lab origins--but there were also a lot of crackpot ideas going around on the other side of the argument, many of them laughable.

(my favorite; the notion that there was something amiss about the CEO and CIO of the Mayo Clinic taking part in WHO and data security initiatives--exactly who would be better eludes me....)

Aspiring to be a stick in the mud.

I was reached by a brand of fundamentalism that — at the time — kept out of politics. True, conservative beliefs (like the sanctity of life) resulted in conservative politics on a personal level about some social issues, but that was it. Then the Moral Majority arose and politics and “religion” were wed. It has not been a happy marriage, but both man and wife have been living in denial.

To be active in politics as a Christian is good, and we need to vote our convictions. But wedding ourselves to a political party — and especially a political candidate who does not exemplify godliness — is not a good thing. You may have to hold your nose and vote for the one who will do best for our convictions, but you need to have your eyes open and mourn the necessity of truly choosing between evils.

"The Midrash Detective"