How to Understand Our Vocations as Culture Makers


“for most of us, it can be difficult to feel like our work matters to God. How can we know that our work is bringing glory to God when it doesn’t seem all that special?” - IFWE


Improvisation Is Key to Cultural Engagement


A review of Cultural Sanctification: Engaging the World Like the Early Church. “…there’s no consensus on how Christians ought to engage the culture….Each option has strengths, but many of them seem to draw more from contemporary cultural assumptions than from centuries of Christian experience.” - TGC


Six Key Worldview Stories of 2024: Christianity Is a Cultural Good


“They are now discovering what has always been true, that the Western ideas of human rights, political equality, and science and art are products of Christianity. These things do not occur in most civilizations, and there is no reason to expect that they will endure in the West if Christianity fades.” - Breakpoint


Joy Against Boredom: How Christians Resist a Culture of Death


“In a culture of death, nothing can satisfy us. The things of our world have become exclusively means… of our self-directed projects of building and securing worth, goodness, and meaning—and thus are no longer meaningful, good, worthy ends in themselves.” - Desiring God


Yes, Vote, but Resist the Political Illusion


“Though all elections have consequences—some more than others… they reflect more than they determine. Their outcomes matter, at times greatly. Still, these outcomes result from larger trajectories.” - Breakpoint


Christians: Yes, Let’s Vote Our Values

On the whole, I’ve written a lot less about the voting choices before us in this particular election cycle. From my point of view, it’s pretty much 2020 all over again, only with more clarity about the cultural and character factors.

More clarity? I’m sure many don’t see it that way. I’m not saying people are seeing more clearly. Subjectively, things seem more muddled than ever. Objectively, though, the character and positions of the candidates are even more clear than in 2020.


Reinhold Niebuhr: The Ideal Christian Realist


“There does exist a general definition of his Christian realism. It’s a political theory based on three Christian ideas: that we are basically sinful, that we are free because made in the image of God, and that we are called to love God and our neighbor.” - Acton


Cultural vs Believing Christianity


“There is a sense that this talk about cultural Christianity is a refreshing change. Sociologists and educational leaders have been declaring Christianity the scourge of the planet for decades…. The problem is that a return to a cultural, but unbelieving, Christianity is not enough.” - P&D
