How Religious Liberty Won


“Religious liberty did not emerge from abstract speculation, but rather the concrete experience of Protestant republics in the Atlantic World.” - L&L


Chris Anderson’s “The Scandal of Schism” – A Review

Every Fundamentalist needs to read Chris Anderson’s new book The Scandal of Schism. The book charts the currents that are pulling younger Fundamentalists away from a strict separatist position. We ignore Anderson’s work to our own peril. His words must either be refuted from the Bible or acknowledged to be biblical.

In his characteristically self-assured fashion, Michael Barrett (Anderson’s lifelong mentor and former professor at Bob Jones University) sets the tone for the book in his endorsement,


Review of William Boekestein's ‘Finding My Vocation’


Finding My Vocation is a rare achievement. It expresses rich biblical and theological principles (informed by some of the best minds from church history) with simplicity, clarity, and specificity.” - Ref21
