Pixar’s LGBTQ Reversal
“Aggressive sex identity messaging may be in retreat in 2025.” - Breakpoint
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“Aggressive sex identity messaging may be in retreat in 2025.” - Breakpoint
“The board for The Line of Fire, the syndicated radio broadcast program headed by Brown, announced last week that they had chosen Firefly to oversee the investigation.” - C.Post
“The underlying story in this case depicts a carefully planned effort by a convicted criminal, and those acting in concert with him… to publicly smear a renowned and eminently respected religious leader [for lots of money]” - CPost
“A disproportionate number of delegates who were fairly young or new to the denomination successfully passed the statement codifying a traditional Christian view of human sexuality.” - Public Discourse
“In Barna’s recently released researched report… researchers found that pornography use is so prevalent among all demographics and the gap in use among Christians and non-Christians, as well as men and women, has grown narrower over the last eight years.” - CPost
“ ‘Purity culture’ arose in the 1990s as an evangelical reaction to a broader culture that, in more ways than ever, embraced sexual freedom…. Church leaders responded by promoting virginity before marriage, as the church always has, adding in tactics of pledges, purity rings, and dances with their dads.” - Breakpoint
“The shift dates back to the growing awareness, acceptance, and promotion of transgender sexual identities in mainstream American culture. This shift, dating to the mid 2010s and probably peaking in the early 2020s, did two things that fundamentally changed the evangelistic landscape for Christians in America.” - Mere Orthodoxy
“Splits will occur because of core beliefs on both sides. Progressives truly believe doctrines must evolve to avoid causing pain to modern believers. Orthodox thinkers in various traditions truly believe they cannot edit what the New Testament describes as the ‘faith which was once delivered.’” - Terry Mattingly
“How can we properly guard against it? I am glad you asked because the father continues. He writes: ‘May your fountain be blessed… may you ever be intoxicated with her love’ ” (Prov 5:18-19) - DBTS Blog
“At its 2024 synod in June, the Christian Reformed Church instructed LGBTQ-affirming congregations to repent and comply with the denomination’s beliefs on sexuality. Some are now choosing to leave.” - RNS