Should Baptist Churches Remove the Word "Baptist" from Their Church Title?

I believe we should be proud of who we are. Thought I do not pastor a Baptist Church (I pastor a non-denominational Bible oriented church), if our church were affiliated with a Baptist group, I would not hide that in the title. To me, if you are not proud of the group to which you belong, why do you belong to it?

I know of several Baptist churches that have removed the word “Baptist” from their name, I have known Methodist Churches and others to do this as well.


Does your church's main service usually include at least one hymn or vintage Gospel song?

Many churches doe not have hymnals, and many rarely (if ever) sing hymns.

Other church continue to sing mostly hymns.

I am not asking you what you prefer, but the poll question refers to the church you attend. You are encouraged to comment about your preferences.

The subject is about congregational singing, not special music, offertories, etc.

Poll Results

Does your church’s main service usually include at least one hymn or vintage Gospel song?


Which Version of the Bible does your church use?

I think it was C.S. Lewis who said, “The more the Bible is translated, the less it is read.”

There seem to be no end to Bible translations. The motive behind them is sometimes questionable, sometimes understandable.

Although most SI participants do need need to be cautioned, I do not want this poll to serve as an opportunity for long tirades and posting endless links about why all versions are bad except for the KJV. This is about which version your church uses.


From a personal perspective, which is your favorite Pauline epistle and why?

The question is about the epistle you yourself favor. This is not about which epistle you think is most important. Many of us would probably say Romans on that score. This is about which is your PERSONAL favorite, the one you enjoy most or the one that speaks to you most.

Some of you may consider Hebrews to have been written by Paul, but our assumption is that it is not. I don’t want to create a dilemma for someone whose favorite epistle is Hebrews but yet does not believe Paul wrote it!


Do you believe the gift of Prophecy is extant today?

Prophecy. What is it? Is it preaching? Talking about how bad everything is and how angry God is because of it? Receiving and inspired message from God? Perhaps receiving an inspired message from God in raw-thought form (Grudem/D.A. Carson)? Being more sensitive to the Spirit’s leading than perhaps many other believers? Being able to predict the future.

There are several considerations, and we are here speaking about genuine prophecy (if it exists today), not Satanic, frenzy-induced, etc.


Does your church have a Sunrise service for Resurrection Sunday (Easter)?

Our church has never had a sunrise service, and I don’t think I have ever wanted one. We have an early 8:30 service every Sunday. Many churches do have them. What are the pros and cons? How strong are those pros and cons? Any discussion appreciated.

Poll Results

Does your church have a Sunrise service for Resurrection Sunday (Easter)?


Have you ever been called on to perform an exorcism, pray against occult happenings (ghosts, voices, etc.) at the request of sensible believers?

The idea for this survey came to me after seeing a “Filings” article about the Catholic church seeing a rise in requests for exorcisms.

I have been involved in a handful of situations involving ghosts or voices, although I have never felt a need to perform an out-and-out exorcism. I have seen, on one occasion, occult phenomenon.


Do you play a musical instrument? Please comment and tell us what it is (or they are) and how you use them.

About a year ago, at age 60, I began playing an instrument. The instrument I chose to play is the concertina. I chose this for a host of reasons — it is light (unlike an accordion), relatively easy to learn, and I like the sound. I like a bellows instrument, and if I were younger, I would have probably taken up the accordion or bandoneon.

Decades ago I tried to play the harmonica, but “I could not control my tongue.” You heard it here first. So I gave up.
