The Temptations of Evangelical Worship: It’s not about manufacturing positive religious feelings.


“…many weeks what we mostly want is for worship to give us a good spiritual feeling. I suspect that by our inattention to what we’re singing. We sing various choruses that say, ‘Bring down your glory’ and ‘show us your face.’ But we do not know what we’re asking for. People in the Bible who actually encountered God’s glory fall on the ground in fear.” - Christianity Today


Planning Theologically-Themed Worship Services


“One of the ways in which we did that was to develop worship services around a theological theme—theology proper that is—some aspect, attribute, activity or characteristic of God. We have developed a list of over 150 themes that we work through every three years or so.” - Proclaim & Defend


Baptist Bulletin Podcast: Worship and Lament


“Mike chats with Mark Vroegop, lead pastor of College Park Church in Indianapolis, about a variety of issues including pastoral ministry, worship, and lament.” - GARBC


What Can Miserable Christians Sing?


“[A] high proportion of the psalter is taken up with lamentation, with feeling sad, unhappy, tormented, and broken.


The Key To Making the Most Out of Congregational Singing


“[S]inging is not just a vertical act, but also a horizontal one. Of course we sing to God, but we also sing for one another. God is the object of our worship, but our singing is also a means of mutual encouragement.” - Challies
