The God Who Is There


“Given the cultural challenges facing the church in our day – not only from the outside, but increasingly from within – it is appropriate that we remember some of the keynote truths at the heart of Schaeffer’s work.” - Ref21


George Barna offers roadmap to help more Americans embrace a biblical worldview


“After highlighting that only 6% of U.S. adults possess a biblical worldview, George Barna, director of research at Arizona Christian University’s Cultural Research Center, concluded that ‘the only viable way to transform America is by restoring its collective worldview to reflect biblical principles.’” - CPost


BJU Seminary Launches Journal of Biblical Theology & Worldview


“To aid the church in commending and defending the faith in our late modern context, the journal’s articles intend to exemplify rigorous study that is faithful to Scripture, consistent with our theological heritage, alert to current scholarship, and directed toward contemporary application.” - Eric Newton, Editor
