How Can I Know What’s True?


“the Bible not only teaches us ultimate truths about man, the world, salvation, the future, and a host of other subjects that make up a worldview, it also gives us the very principles by which we can know what’s true.” - Ligonier


Why Christians Need Philosophy


“1. Bad philosophy must be answered…. 2. Life itself must be answered…. 3. Philosophy is for theology…. 4. Christianity is the true philosophy.” - TGC


Humanity Isn’t a Problem to Solve: Technology Needs a Telos


“In the biblical account of reality, humans exist to glorify and love God, and to serve as His special representatives and co-rulers in creation. Human inventions should help towards achieving those ends, extending our abilities, and mitigating the effects of the Fall.” - Breakpoint


George Barna: Most Christians don't know what a disciple is


“Prominent Christian researcher George Barna spoke at the Family Research Council’s Pray, Vote, Stand Summit Friday, discussing his new book Raising Spiritual Champions: Nurturing Your Child’s Heart, Mind, and Soul.” - CPost


The Meaning of Music


“beauty is an objective reality, grounded in the nature and work of God Himself…. Even those who reject the idea of universal truths and are cynical about our ability to truly know anything cannot help but wrestle with the pull of beauty.” - Breakpoint
