5 Reasons Christians Should Read Classic Literature


“Great works of literature reflect the author’s worldview and reflect the characters’ worldviews,” Prior says. “As we encounter those worldviews in the pages, we have to sharpen and refine our own worldview.” - F&T


Counsel for a Friend Who Wonders Which Christian Forest He’ll Land In


“I also know that evil dwells within me, as Romans shows, and that good dwells even among my enemies. God causes his common grace to fall on the unjust. And I find this to be such helpful knowledge. It takes from my shoulders the pressures of an impossible worldview.” - Mark Ward


“There is no oughtness in a world that just is.”


“He wrote me an eloquent letter in which he used his training in philosophy to wonder out loud if Christianity is merely a set of Jungian archetypes, a set of myth-making stories that echo something deep in the human psyche that somehow over evolutionary millennia we have found useful. …Here was my response.” - Mark Ward


Two Incompatible & Mutually Hostile Worldviews


“I’m not sure these researchers fully engage [the worldview concept] and the complexity that often arises. For example, is morality based on a transcendent absolute or do we make it up for ourselves? OK, we can see that social conservatives believe the former, while social liberals believe the latter. But…” - Gene Veith


AI, sentience and human life


“Whether or not God could give a sentient machine or a human clone a soul is a different question….The unique description of humans as created in the image of God should lead us to think it highly unlikely that a machine or a clone would receive similar status.” - BPNews


Materialism and scientism: no space for beauty and wonder


“Paul Gould’s new book Cultural Apologetics addresses these issues by setting forth a fresh model for cultural engagement, rooted in the biblical account of Paul’s speech on Mars Hill, which details practical steps for reestablishing the Christian voice, conscience, and imagination.” - Breakpoint
