Atheist or Christian, We All Choose Our Miracle


“Even those who reject the claims of the Christian worldview… should ask themselves whether, without realizing it, they sometimes borrow from the Christian worldview because their own worldview cannot provide a foundation on which to judge good and evil.” - Randy Alcorn


The Religion of Secularism


“Secularism is the belief that man does not need God or God’s laws in man’s social, governmental, educational, or economic affairs. Ironically, secularism rejects religion, yet is itself a religion.” - Ligonier


I See No Conflict Between Christianity and Science


“There’s no doubt that many people think that pursuing science and Christianity inevitably leads to conflict. Some Christians characterize science in a way that conflicts with Christianity. And some scientists characterize Christianity in a way that conflicts with science. My experience shows a different picture.” - Reasons


Artificial Intelligence: Tool, Image Bearer, or Temptation?


“Presuppositions….We agree with Jason Thacker that ‘Technology is amoral but acts as a catalyst that expands the opportunities for humanity to pursue. It is not good or evil in itself but can be designed and used for good and evil purposes.’” - Christ Over All


Johannes Kepler, Thinking God’s Thoughts After Him


“Kepler’s work was motivated by his Christian faith. He believed that since God is rational, the universe must be as well. Because humans are made in God’s image, we can, as he said, ‘think God’s thoughts after Him.’” - Breakpoint


The challenges of being a religious scientist


“22% of graduate students in science say that they believe in God and 20% describe themselves as ‘very’ or ‘moderately’ religious. These percentages are similar to what is seen among science faculty” - RNS
