Incompatible Trajectories (Creation vs. Evolution)

“Most old-earth creationists begin with the authority of science. Then they proceed to evaluate the interpretive conclusions of the Bible made by believers.” - P&D


My advice is to read these guys’ work and see what you find their thought process to be.

Representatives include: Alvin Plantinga, Stephen C. Meyer, Michael Behe, William Lane Craig.

I’ve read books by all of these, though Meyer is in progress right now. They are best at explaining for themselves what they see as authoritative, how they believe science and the Bible relate, etc…. and what their personal trajectories are as thinkers.

Alister McGrath is another. I think I’ve only read a chapter/section by him in one of those multiple-views books. So I want to take in a whole book from his pen sometime after I finish Meyer’s Return of the God Hypothesis.

So far, RotGH is a delight.

Views expressed are always my own and not my employer's, my church's, my family's, my neighbors', or my pets'. The house plants have authorized me to speak for them, however, and they always agree with me.