5 Lies I Believed About Work


“Lie #3: Full-time ministry is the only work that serves God. I struggled finding my calling in work for a while because I believed the false dichotomy that said I couldn’t serve God while working a ‘normal job.’” - Kevin Halloran


Enjoying the God-Given Gift of Work


“When the only function of work is profit-centered—for personal gain and wealth—versus the recognition of the divine privilege of expressing the qualities and character of God who granted it, work becomes far less satisfying and far less beneficial to the society and the context in which the work is done.” - IFWE


Here’s How You Can Develop a “Work as Worship” Mindset


“…flipping a switch does not always have immediate results. Similarly, understanding God’s command for us to use our skills and resources for his glory does not immediately transform our outlook on work.” - IFWE


Is Universal Basic Income Biblical?


“Legislating generosity is a way of shifting responsibility for compassion from me personally to everyone else around me. God intended for compassion to be relational not institutional.” - P&D


Bringing Good Things Together: Work and Worship


“The broader faith-and-work movement has long stressed a believer’s royal role in the creation mandate (Gen. 1:28), bringing order and goodness to the world through work.


Will We Work in the New Earth?


“Many believe that work is a curse, but the reality is that God made work, and it was part of the very good earth before Adam’s fall from grace. It is only after Adam’s sin that work is cursed” - IFWE


“Our lives are deeply dependent on the work of others.”


“If we fail to realize our embeddedness in a world of work, one of two things can happen. On the one hand, we may overvalue our jobs, which can lead to an inflated sense of ourselves and our work… Not seeing our embeddedness in a world of work can create a second, opposite problem—an undervaluing of our jobs, which can lead to a deflated sense of ourselves and our work.” - TGC


A biblical theology of work, Part 1: Why work?


“What is the significance of work? Dorothy Sayers gave an address on the subject in 1942 titled Why Work? In that address, she stated that in respect of an intelligent carpenter, ‘The very first demand that his religion makes upon him is that he should make good tables.’” - Acton
