How to Fight the Monotony of Work with Hope


“…the Christian should be a source of hope for those we work with. Our hopefulness is a gift from God that we are born into as a result of our faith in the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead. (1 Pet. 1:3–5) But its scope goes well beyond our personal salvation to the renewal of all of creation.” - IFWE


God Can Redeem a Bad Job Choice


“Two months into the job, I felt as lost as a small ball in tall weeds. I’d advised friends unhappy at work to persevere at least a year before making a change. Sitting in those same circumstances, I didn’t care much for my advice.” - TGC


Study: Christian College Grads Care More About Helping, Less About Money


“According to a new study from the Christian think tank Cardus, two-thirds of graduates from private religious colleges and universities say it is important to them to find a job that ‘directly helps others’—10 percentage points higher than graduates from public schools or private nonreligious schools.” - CToday


Young Americans, Entitlement, and the Christian Vision of Work


“Whether directly connected with our passions or not, God calls us first and foremost to do the next thing well, to his glory, with all of our might. Short of this awareness, we risk ‘Christianizing’ a sense of entitlement. Instead of asking, ‘What is God’s will for my life someday?’ we should be asking, ‘What does God want me to do next?’” - IFWE


If You Won the Lottery, Would You Be at Work Tomorrow?


“Many Christians have bought into the pagan notion that leisure is good and work is bad. They have also been misled by the sacred/secular distinction, which teaches that working in the church is the only ‘real’ full-time Christian service.” - IFWE


Podcast: Help! I Hate My Job (James Hamilton)


“In this episode, Jim Hamilton, author of Work and Our Labor in the Lord, discusses what to do when you hate your job. He offers encouragement for those frustrated in their work, reflects on God’s original intention for work at creation, and explains the difference between a job and a vocation.” - Crossway


Are We Meant to Enjoy Our Work?


“The references to the prosperity of Jerusalem and children and grandchildren in Psalm 128:5–6 hint that what has resulted in this individual blessed man experiencing the joys of Psalm 128 has spread to the wider culture. Jerusalem prospers because its men fear God, obey his Word, and work with their hands for the benefit of their wives and children.” - Servants of Grace


The Joy Thief Known as Busyness


“There may be a great quantity of work in your life, but if the quality is compromised then the impact of the work is limited, counterproductive, and potentially self-destructive.” - IFWE
