Dreaming (and Being Disappointed) to the Glory of God
“I’ve felt a tension between the pleasure of making plans and looking forward to delights in this life, even as I know lasting joy is rooted in the eternal hope already secured for me in Christ.” - TGC
Successful And Unhappy (How Can It Be?)
“Is it because we aren’t living up to our true potential? Or is it because our perspective about work lacks a redemptive and creative—or biblically-shaped—imagination?” - Scott Sauls
Virtual Vocation: is being an internet influencer a true vocation, in the Christian sense of that term?
“the intrinsic value of work cannot be reduced to its monetary value. Farmers, factory workers, the people who pick up our garbage, and others who perform services vital to our physical existence are doing far more important tasks than celebrities…and yet they are paid far, far less.” - Veith
Can a Christian Replace Employees with AI?
“My regional manager has tasked me with identifying employees who can be replaced by our new digital kiosks. Should I object? … Should I seek out some other alternatives? How can I think about this as a Christian?” - TGC
Goodness in the Workplace
“ ‘But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness…’ As we seek to demonstrate the goodness of God, we must recognize this begins by faithfully seeking the Spirit’s leading in our daily lives.” - TIFWE
The Post-Pandemic Opportunity to Rethink Work Biblically
“Idol or idle: Gilbert’s book, co-written with Sebastian Traeger, identifies two main categories of sinful thinking Christians can fall into concerning work” - Lifeway
“The ‘Great Resignation’ . . . is partly due to a bad understanding of work.”
“Work isn’t something to worship; it is one way we can worship our Creator. It’s a way we give to the world, not just take from it” - Breakpoint
What Does the Gospel of John Teach Us About Work?
“This is the fourth article in a series of excerpts from my book that highlight some of the key biblical principles from the theology of work that come out of a specific book or genre.” - IFWE