Business Ethics in a Pandemic
“…profit for business is like breathing for humans—both are necessary for existence, but very few of us claim that respiration is the ultimate purpose in life.” - IFWE
As iron sharpens iron,
one person sharpens another. (Proverbs 27:17)
“…profit for business is like breathing for humans—both are necessary for existence, but very few of us claim that respiration is the ultimate purpose in life.” - IFWE
“Our work itself is an instrument of God’s grace, pushing back the corruptions of the fall through the influence of God’s character and care that we embody — even in the most pressured, difficult, secular, frustrating, and demoralizing workplaces.” - Brian Chapell
“…we more often feel as if work is toilsome, pointless, and fruitless, as if the ground is bearing thorns and thistles just for us. We often believe Genesis 2 while feeling Genesis 3.” - TGC
“It may seem foolish to expect believers in every profession to engage in ‘rigorous theological thinking,’ but such reflection is actually the path of relief and rescue from the daily grind that can seem without meaning or significance.” - TGC
“one’s vocation is not so much the job itself as the end that the job ought to serve. If one does one’s job to that end, then one’s vocation can be found in it.” - Acton
WeWork’s “reputation had already been shaken by Neumann’s declarations in its filings about ‘the energy of we’…and for the company’s vow to ‘elevate the world’s consciousness.’ …executives got instruction from leaders of the Kabbalah Centre, whose values are loosely based on Jewish mysticism.” - RNS
“The Great Resignation is an opportunity to reexamine priorities for those who were forced or chose to resign. Perhaps they were able to spend more time with their families, imagine different occupations, or evaluate their careers as divorced from money. The logical next step is to consider what they aspire to do with their lives.” - IFWE
“…it’s also a myth because work is not the opposite of life—it isn’t something separate from life. It’s an integral part of life, or at least it should be.” - TGC
“…start with God the Father. In Exodus 15:11, we see that there is no one like God, who works wonders for his people. Later in Exodus 34:10, we read that God expresses his covenant love and faithfulness to Israel. He will do awesome work for them. And he does.” - IFWE