Why Do We Valorize Busyness?


“That is the trap of busyness: believing that the busyness itself is what matters, instead of placing all our work and all our rest at the feet of our maker.” - Public Discourse


6 Prayers for Work


“In today’s hectic and competitive world, finding balance and success in our work lives can often be a challenge. As we navigate through our daily tasks, responsibilities, and interactions, it’s important to take a step back and reconnect with God.” - Common Good


Union with Christ and Your Day Job


“Our biggest obstacle is failing to recognize that God is omnipresent, that he has made all things, and that it is by him that all things hold together (Col 1:15–17).” - Common Good


The Forgotten Way We Glorify God in Our Work

A Renewed Focus

Over the past few years, there has been a renewed focus in many churches on the importance of developing and teaching a theology of work. This emphasis on vocation has been long overdue. According to one study, the average person will spend 90,000 hours at work during their lifetime. That’s a mind-boggling amount of time!


The Wisdom of Work


“People now jump from job to job throughout the course of their lives. If we viewed our work under the rubric of God’s calling, we would be more apt to settle into whatever lawful work God has gifted and called us to do.” - Nick Batzig


How Culminating Moments Make Work Worthwhile


“we have seen literal textbook examples of how the culminating moments will follow prolonged periods, and possibly even a lifetime, of work.” - IFWE
