Because we need a little good news: The Edible Tape to Hold Your Burrito Together While You Eat It Is Real
“Astronomers are photographing black holes. Researchers are finding new ways to improve our mental health. And now, a team at Johns Hopkins University has found a way to keep your burrito from falling apart while you eat it.” - Relevant
Biochemistry Doesn’t Point to Common Ancestry
“…philosopher of biology Paul Nelson, in a piece at Evolution News, called the paper ‘the most interesting biology paper of 2022 so far.’ Its findings are precisely the opposite of what we’d expect if life evolved from a common ancestor.” - Breakpoint
Does God Use Quantum Theory, Too?
“At that size, matter’s properties change when we try to observe it, even—amazingly—because we try to observe it. That’s led to over a century of frustrated efforts to understand exactly what the fundamental ‘stuff’ of reality is.” - Breakpoint
“About two-thirds of U.S. adults (65%) say science has had a mostly positive effect on society”
“28% say it has had an equal mix of positive and negative effects and just 7% say it has had a mostly negative effect” - Pew
What C.S. Lewis has to say to the creators of Jurassic Park
“When a man ignores his moral responsibility and refuses to live within the limits of the natural order, including his own nature, then he has lost the mark of his distinction among creatures. At that point, he is no better than a beast, ruled by whims and passions; raw nature has won out.” - Acton
Miracles Don’t Violate the Laws of Nature
“Although some earlier writers had viewed miracles as beyond laws of nature, Hume treated them as ‘violations’ of laws of nature. Once he adopted this definition, he insisted that miracles are miracles only if they violate natural law. Then he argued that natural law cannot be violated, so therefore miracles do not happen.” - C.Today
Physics’ Unsolved Energy Crisis
“Two fundamental laws of physics clash if we try to explain the universe’s origin without a Creator.” - AiG
“ ...the obvious brokenness makes creation’s general kindness all the more impressive.”
On What We Learn from Looking Around, Part 4: TLC - Olinger
“...the Bible is not anti-science. Rather, the Bible explains why science works.”
“every once in a while, the Bible offers an insight that sheds further light on an unsolved question of science. That seems to be the case with the Assyrian destruction of Lachish, an event recorded in the book of Kings.” - Stonestreet & Leander