Barna: How U.S. Christians Feel About AI & the Church


“there are some opinions where Christians have very different views on AI compared to non-Christians. Just over one in four Christians (28%) say they are hopeful AI can do positive things in the world, compared to two in five non-Christians (39%).” - Barna


An Antidote for Scientism—Why Science Needs God


“without this value (of upholding truth) the institution of science would soon sink into a morass of lies and deception. It’s obvious, but where does this value come from? You can’t prove it scientifically.” - Reasons


Worries mount about misinformation in science


“ ‘The real problem isn’t people. It’s the reward structure on social platforms’…. the incentives for scientists to publish and for journals to attract readers, jargon and other features of scientific publishing — can also contribute” - Axios
