What If Science Caused the Pandemic?, Part II


“Perhaps we can simply learn the truth that science is a human enterprise, that its findings are highly provisional, that it is a process for investigation rather than an oracle that delivers absolute truth.” - Veith


What If Science Caused the Pandemic?


“Recently, 18 prominent researchers published a letter in the journal Science calling for a full investigation of the Wuhan lab connections. Now the possibility is being taken seriously.” - Veith


A Celebration and Lament over Science


“I celebrate the science of the twentieth century. I have lived through the last half of it, when the number of wonders grew spectacularly. It is a source of great joy. But I lament as well, because we remain spiritually blind. We are crippled in praising God.” - Vern Poythress


Friendly Neighborhood Epidemiologist Deploys Expert Advice With Christian Love


“Smith started Friendly Neighbor Epidemiologist, a Facebook page, in March 2020 … Since then, the page, written in Smith’s friendly, informational voice, has grown to more than 96,000 followers. About half are evangelical Christians, she said. But threats and pushback have also followed” - C.Today


The Fading Dream of the Computer Brain


“ ‘They showed you a simulation of some neural activity inside this. Suppose it looked different; how would you know that that was wrong or right?’ Sitting behind the camera, I replied, ‘Well, I wouldn’t know.’ Seung reiterated: ‘Right, how would anybody know what was a wrong activity pattern or right activity pattern?’” - Scientific American


“...many Christians have not only found a harmony of faith and science but also followed a calling that lives in that tension.”


“In her most recent book, Why Science and Faith Need Each Other: Eight Shared Values That Move Us Beyond Fear, Ecklund proposes that Christians and scientists can find common ground around eight virtues that play a vital role in both faith and the practice of science: curiosity, doubt, humility, creativity, healing, awe, shalom, and gratitude.” - C. Today


Two Charlies: Darwin vs. Hodge - An imagined interview with Charles Hodge


“Hodge also saw that science low on the ladder of abstraction, based on observing and measuring, is not in conflict with Christian belief—but “science” high on the ladder, with faith in things unseen like macro-evolution, is. Here’s my pretend 1874 interview with Hodge about Darwin. Hodge’s own words form the answers.” - Olasky


Science, technology, and why the west has become anti-historical


“Many people today understand science to be the only way to achieve objective knowledge. When we reject the notion that truth is available through Scripture or anything else, we are left only with the narrative of science, which assumes that the present is superior to the past and the future will be superior to the present.” - Challies
