“Rise and fall of Fauci illustrates death of ‘expertise’”


“As members of the institutions both tout and hide behind their credentialism, their obviously ideological positions shred the public’s faith in their credentials. The rise and fall of Anthony Fauci is illustrative of this trend.” - CPost


Does RNA Assembly on Glass Break Up the Case for a Creator?


“According to their model, RNA molecules would have assembled on early Earth when ocean water replete with ribonucleotides washed over pieces of glass located on volcanic islands. But a careful assessment of their work shatters this illusion.” - Reasons.org


Which Theory of Evolution? Toppling the Idol of “Settled Science”


“A recent long-form essay in The Guardian signals just how urgent the problem has become for the most dominant theory in the history of the sciences. In it, author Stephen Buranyi, gives voice to a growing number of scientists who think it’s time for a ‘new theory of evolution.’” - Breakpoint


From the Archives – Reason, Faith and the Struggle for Western Civilization: A Review

Some time ago, I came across Samuel Gregg’s book while perusing items at Acton.org, and the title caught my eye. In my personal efforts to take every thought captive to the obedience of Christ (2 Cor. 10:5), I’ve frequently felt that I don’t yet have an adequate understanding of the relationship between faith and reason, and by extension, the relationship between the sciences and Scripture.
