The pursuit of discovery: Harvard Ph.D. pushes back against evolution


“Jeanson entered Harvard with a burning desire to find a cure for cancer. He emerged with a determination to push back against evolution and help people struggling with science-religion tension find their way back to Biblical truth. Here are edited excerpts of our interview.” - World


Pew Research: Darwin in America


“[A]bout one-in-five U.S. adults reject the basic idea that life on Earth has evolved at all. And roughly half of the U.S. adult population accepts evolutionary theory, but only as an instrument of God’s will.” - Pew Forum


Gene Engineered Babies: ‘Shoot First, Ask Questions Later’ Science


“[H]ow did this unethical experiment happen? We generally permit “the scientists” in this sector to self-regulate through voluntary guidelines. We also smile at researchers treating nascent human life like potter’s clay–objects not subjects–as if that were of only passing moral concern.” - National Review
