Darwinian justification for human speech challenged


“The situation is a lot more complicated than the very clean story that has been making it into textbooks all this time,” Elizabeth Atkinson, coauthor of the paper, told Nature. - BPNews


A Dinosaur in the Wrong Place, Wrong Time?


“Evolutionary scientists have recently announced the ‘surprising discovery’ of a dinosaur similar to Diplodocus (one of the long-necked dinosaurs) in a region of northwest China where these dinosaurs were not believed to have lived, fifteen million years earlier than scientists thought they had evolved.” - AiG


A Response to “Talking Science as Christians”


“On June 5, 2018, a self-described Christian and professor of chemistry published a provocative blog post titled ‘Talking Science as Christians.’ The author, ‘RJS,’ under the guise of offering advice from a career in science, took young-earth creation (YEC) to task and sharply rebuked it.” AiG


In the Transgender Debate, Conservatives Can’t Compromise the Truth


“I can acknowledge that gender dysphoria is a ‘persistent aspect of humanity,’ but I will not concede that gender dysphoria trumps biology, and I don’t think our culture should cease efforts towards ‘ending’ the dangerous notion that men or women should amputate healthy organs in the quest to sculpt their bodies to become something they’re not.” National Review


Do Parallel Universes Exist?

Most of us are familiar with the distinction between facts and the interpretation of facts. Objective facts are often interpreted based upon the worldview, paradigms, assumptions, culture, and even personality of the interpreter. Facts do not change. Our interpretation of facts may.


New discovery sheds light on dark matter


“ ‘Finding a galaxy without any [dark matter] is completely unexpected; it challenges standard ideas of how galaxies work,’ Allison Merritt, one of the researchers, said in a statement. A paper describing the discovery appears in the journal Nature.” BPNews
