How the 2010s Gave Us Unlimited Choices, but Little Meaning


“The 21st century has given us great abundance and almost unlimited choices but a minimum of meaning. Again, Sacks writes: ‘Science tells us how but not why. Technology gives us power but cannot guide us as to how to use that power.’” - IFWE


Does the Bible teach Big Bang cosmology?


“One of the most popular articles I have written is ‘Big Bang—The Bible Taught It First!’ … In the two decades since then, one of the most common objections I have received from skeptics is that the Bible teaches no such thing. Who is correct?” - Hugh Ross


On science and scientism


“Even the decision to embark on the scientific enterprise is underpinned by something preceding the scientific method: the reasonable conviction that there is truth, we can know it, and, above all, that it is good to know the difference between truth and error.” - Acton


Are Atheists Right? Is Faith the Absence of Reason/Evidence?


“Although these atheists may have heard sincere Christians wrongly say things like, “oh, you just have to have faith” as if they didn’t need evidence for their belief, this is not supported by the meaning of the words faith or belief that is found in the New Testament.” - AiG


Evangelicals aren’t ‘climate deniers’


“These are people who either believe that the warming is not predominantly caused by humans or that it does not pose catastrophic problems to our environment. They are better described as ‘climate realists’ or ‘climate skeptics.’” - Cornwall Alliance


Almighty science? We’ve given it far too much reverence


“Theologians and ethicists, playwrights and lyricists, therapists and politicians, historians and pundits—like everyone else in society—all could have their say. But more and more, each would have to face up ultimately to the supposed precision of the scientist, who among them all seems to have a lock on reality, or at least on the tools for discovering reality.” - WORLD
