Evangelicalism's Got Talent


I fear that a similar thing is occurring today among true evangelical believers. As with other seasons of church history when preaching was slowly stripped of its precision, clarity, and doctrinal depth, many contemporary congregations have slowly been robbed of the same.
The problem is: they don’t know it. The erosion has been too subtle.


Preaching Worth Listening To

An address to the American Association of Christian Colleges and Seminaries at their annual meeting, Feb. 2006. A PDF version is available at the PTC website.


C. H. Spurgeon - Sermon for New Year's Day

Special thanks to The Spurgeon Archive. Spurgeon delivered this message on Thursday evening, January 1, 1885 at the Metropolitan Tabernacle, Newington.

“And he that sat upon the throne said, Behold, I make all things new.”—Revelation 21:5.


"In his sermon, called a 'reflection,' Thompson read from the Torah and Quran, as well as the Bible"


“ ‘You have to learn how to love people different than you.’ That’s the core belief for Thompson and a small band of Sacramento-area followers, who are quietly experimenting with a faith that takes ecumenical to the extreme.”… “The Sunday gathering is called an ‘ecumenical forum,’ not a worship service. There are no church members, but ‘friends.’” Sacramento Bee
