"While Christians must never preach morality as a means of salvation, morality is certainly a public concern of Christians."


“In other words, we cannot preach the gospel without preaching morality. People cannot receive the good news without first believing the bad news, and that bad news is that they are lawbreakers and rebels. They must understand that morality is not an arbitrary convention, but that it stands over them in judgment and that it is a matter of divine imposition. The gospel is not that God loves us and has a wonderful plan for our lives.


Sermons - How Long?

I once asked the following questions on a Facebook update: “How much information and data should be included in a pulpit sermon before it reaches overload? Sometimes I do preach too long! And how long is too long?” I received a number of thoughtful responses that make some good points [edited slightly].

The preaching isn’t everything

“Such a great question and one that I’m convinced more pastors need to ask themselves (and others) more often. Here’s my current thought (I’ve thought a lot about this one over the last few years and have changed a lot in my thinking): there’s so much more to corporate worship than just the preaching. So, I’d love to see services structured in such a way that more components (corporate prayer, testimony, music—psalms, hymns, spiritual songs—etc.) are also included as vital elements to corporate worship (I’m guessing God saw them as vital since He said to do them). In fact, I’d probably say, in a 75 minute service, a 30-40 min sermon maximum, giving people an opportunity to not only hear God’s Word, but then also to provide opportunity to engage with each other through prayer, fellowship, testimony, etc. This is so encouraging and probably another effective way to worship God together, rather than just more listening to one person, taking notes, going home and moving on. Of course, there are all different types of learners etc, so there’s no one right way, but that’s my two cents today (it may be different in 5 more years).”
