Boring Preaching


Martin Lloyd-Jones: “The preacher must never be dull, and he must never be boring…there is something radically wrong with dull and boring preachers.” - Cripplegate


Why the Old Testament Matters

In this excerpt from his book, Preaching and Teaching from the Old Testament, Walter Kaiser explains why the Old Testament should be emphasized more in local churches:1

Let it be affirmed right away that the central theme of both the Old and New Testaments is Christ. Did not our Lord rebuke the two disciples on the road to Emmaus on that first Easter Sunday afternoon for their failure to understand that he was the one to whom all the Law, Prophets, and Writings pointed (Luke 24:25–27)?


Earnestness: Its Marring and Maintenance (Part 4)

Headings have been added. Read the series so far.

Physical Condition

Pardon my saying that the condition of your body must be attended to, especially in the matter of eating, for any measure of excess may injure your digestion and make you stupid when you should be fervent. From the memoir of Duncan Matheson I cull an anecdote which is much to the point:


Are We Scaring Our Kids into Leaving the Faith?


“We often teach our youth that the ‘outside world’ is full of reprobate, evil monsters, and that the moment you graduate from Christian school and step onto a college campus or into a workplace, you’re going to be attacked from all sides—persecuted, mocked and ostracized.” - Pursuing the Pursuer


Preacher, Study the Text—But Also Study Your People


“It’s one thing to exegete the text; it’s another thing to exegete the people. A preacher who studies the text but not his people is missing out on clearer application and more nuanced communication.” - 9 Marks
