But Is It Worth It? A Question To Christian Trumpists


“I know some Christian Trumpists who will simply say that, in spite of Trump’s character flaws, they will support him because the alternative is always worse. My question to Christian Trumpists is: But is it worth it?” - Roger Olson


Evangelicals, Trump, and Witnessing for the Truth


“by insisting on truth telling in a season like this, and by denying active or tacit support to a movement that undermines the integrity of the church’s witness, you gain the modest comfort of being able to watch the world burn and know that you, at least, did not light the match.” - Acton


The Great Evangelical Disaster: Evangelicals Conforming to the World


“More than 150 Iowa ‘faith leaders’ have announced they are supporting Donald Trump in the state’s forthcoming caucuses…. These endorsements came days before the release of Tim Alberta’s book ‘The Kingdom, The Power, And the Glory: American Evangelicals in an Age of Extremism.’” - Cal Thomas
