Don’t Do Weird Stuff


“Of course, most pastors and churches are sensible enough to avoid such ostentatious displays of weirdness. But we’ve got plenty of well-intentioned, respectable weirdness to go around.” - 9 Marks


What Does Your Church Covenant Sound Like?


“In 2015, the elders of Osterville Baptist Church adopted a church covenant that combined the biblical thoroughness of many historic covenants, but with the added warmth and eloquence of a wedding vow.” - 9 Marks


Hurt by a church? Resist the urge to withdraw


“Don’t let those who’ve sinned against you determine your future. …You can move toward others with trust and hope again, not because your next community won’t fail you, but because God will never fail you, and he often ministers to us through others.” - TGC


Becoming an Adoption Friendly Church

By Paul Golden

Do Christians realize that adoption is truly a special opportunity for believers to affirm and demonstrate the sanctity of life to an unsaved world? Sadly, and for a variety of reasons, many Christians do not seriously consider adopting. Churches can and should play a crucial role in encouraging their members to “look after orphans … in their distress” (James 1:27, NIV).

Here are some specific ideas on how to become an adoption-friendly church.


We Weren't Afraid

For many of us it was never about fear. We wore masks. We social-distanced. We avoided gatherings. We encouraged people to consider participating in Sunday school and worship over Zoom or Facebook Live. We respected the officials who—for better or worse, correct or incorrect—made the tough calls and closed businesses, limited gatherings, and recommended or required masks.

We were not “afraid.”

We didn’t choose “fear instead of faith” and certainly didn’t choose “fear instead of science.”
