What Does the Bible Have to Teach Our Churches about Multi-Ethnic Unity?


“Given these difficulties, my church’s elders decided we wanted to spend time intentionally shepherding our people to think rightly about our identity as a gospel community as well as our responsibility to one another and the world in these divided times.


The Church after Covid – Where Is It Going?


“In the post-lockdown world, healthy churches are likely to be almost reconnecting at ‘full strength,’ again depending on size and circumstances. Our small group is able to hold services (somewhat reduced in frequency) in conformity to distancing recommendations.


Does American Patriotism Have a Place in Worship Services?


“I love the American flag. I love the Fourth of July. I even still love that cheesy Lee Greenwood song ‘God Bless the USA.’ I just don’t think celebrations of the American nation have a place in the embassy of the kingdom of God.” - TGC


Thank God for First Generation Believers


“First-generation believers often feel out of place in the church. They shouldn’t, but they do. They look at children’s and youth ministries, kids growing up in Christian homes, and the beauty of multi-generational families in church and feel like they are missing something.” - P & D


10 Church Members God Especially Calls Me To Love


“…an under-shepherd knows he doesn’t tend sheep because tending sheep is fun; rather, he tends sheep because his master, the True Shepherd, has called him to. He knows he has not been called to a life of ease, but a life of service, even to those who sometimes make that service a trial.” - Challies


Is Social Distancing a Christ-Like Response to Covid-19?


“[H]ow can we practically serve God during this season dominated by Covid-19? Three main ways: 1. Diligently praise God for His sovereignty. 2. Through the power of the Holy Spirit, do not give in to fear. 3. By God’s grace, serve those in our communities who are the most at risk of being adversely affected by Covid-19.” - John Ellis


LifeWay develops free coronavirus response training resources for churches


“As the coronavirus spreads in the U.S., congregations are facing a situation many have never considered. In response, the LifeWay Leadership team has developed pandemic response resources that are being made available for free to assist pastors and church leaders at MinistryGrid.com/coronavirus.” - BPNews
