In Praise of the Boring, Uncool Church


“…things that are cool are ephemeral. What’s fashionable is, by the necessity of the rules of fashion, quickly obsolete. This is one of many reasons why chasing cool is a fool’s errand for churches and pastors, as I argue in my book Hipster Christianity: When Church and Cool Collide.” - TGC


The Greatest Danger Facing the Church Today


“It’s not the significant external problems of rising antagonism against convictional Christians in the West or the barrage of lies about gender and sexuality…. An even greater danger threatens the church from within. Many Christians don’t know the Bible.” - Ligonier


What Exactly Does 1 Timothy 2:12 Teach?


“…leaders like Jesus and Paul labored alongside women, affirmed their giftedness, and established structures that would maximize their contribution to the gospel’s effectiveness in the church and out into the world.” - TGC


Love Your Church Within Its Limits


“Church can be so disappointing….Three principles can help us avoid romanticism, liberate us to see the larger work of God, and ground us in God’s promises.” - CToday


7 Reasons Why I’m Excited about Church These Days


“These last two years have been often odd and sometimes painful ones for church leaders. In fact, they’ve been the strangest years of my 40+ years of ministry. Nevertheless, I’m excited about some things I’m seeing in churches these days.” - Chuck Lawless
