How Can We Be Quick to Listen?


“Most often, we grow by listening, not by talking. Consider nine ways to become a better listener.” - TGC


A Few Thoughts on Worship


“During the week, how much time do you think you personally spend in worship? When you attend church, how often do you actually worship?” - P&D


Your Church Welcome Ministry Is More Important Than Ever


“Most people active in a church really do think their church is friendly. These members have relationships and interactions that give them that perceived reality. But when we interview guests of the same churches, we hear a different story.” - Rainer


Evangelicals largely satisfied with all aspects of church, new study finds


“More than 38 percent of churchgoers wouldn’t change a thing among the 14 categories studied, according to ‘The Congregational Scorecard: What Evangelicals Want in a Church’ released Thursday and jointly conducted by Infinity Concepts and Grey Matter Research.” - BPNews


Ageism: The real struggle for church staff close to retirement


“When cutting church staff, I’ve heard of cases in which people were pushed out because of their age. Additionally, when hiring, many churches are overt in their search for ministry candidates. ‘We want someone young!’” - CPost


A New Book Outlines a Game Plan for a Church-led ‘Marriage Renaissance’


“… Endgame: The Church’s Strategic Move to Save Faith and Family in America, a new book by John Van Epp and J.P. De Gance… they point out that most ‘churches currently allocate almost no capital or energy either to marriage ministry or to ministry for relationship health.’” - IFS


Confessing the Faith: The Place of Confessions in Church Life


“Our regular confession of the fundamentals of the faith is partly an endeavor to humble ourselves. In a global city like Vienna, we aren’t usually the first true church that one of our new members has encountered…. we regularly pray for their success. Indeed, we confess our unity with them in the gospel, that is, for instance, expressed in the Apostle’s Creed.” - 9 Marks
