Psalm 22: Jesus’s Crucifixion Predicted


“The fact that these well-known physiological effects of execution by crucifixion were predicted long before crucifixion was invented or employed makes the predictions all the more remarkable.” - Hugh Ross


7 Books on Deconstruction


“Though many young people are unaware of deconstruction and the exvangelical community, the very online are likely to have bumped into the concept on social media.” - TGC


Model the Faith for Gen Z or Lose Them Forever


“For too many Zoomers, religion has come to mean any spiritual movement that seeks to oppress. Not only are kids taught in schools that religion was a tool of white colonizers to subdue and enslave indigenous populations, but their popular media are saturated with this narrative.” - Acton


Win People Rather Than Arguments


“arguments alone, whether they’re friendly or ‘battles,’ aren’t evangelism. Instead, we should seek to win people for Christ, not just score points in a debate.” - TGC


Aliens, AI, and God: The Search for Superintelligence


“…what superintelligence means, why there is so much buzz around it, whether the buzz is justified, and how superintelligence may open doors to share about a God whose ways are higher than our own” - Reasons
