No, All Religions Don’t Lead to God


“secular materialism is going out of style, being replaced by a renewed fascination with spirituality, the occult, and the supernatural. But this resurgent spirituality is often deeply unserious, treating actual religious doctrines like items on a buffet.” - Breakpoint


Roman Catholic Apologetics Is Surging Online. Intended Audience? Protestants.


“In recent years, several notable Protestant converts to Roman Catholicism have made waves online…. What drives these Christian thinkers to make this jump? Several theories could be explored, but one factor might concern the surprising savvy of online Roman Catholic apologetics, particularly on platforms like YouTube.” - TGC


An Agnostic’s Journey to Faith


“Sanger’s full story is worth reading. It is that of a highly intelligent man coming to terms with Truth after years of wandering through academia, famously penning skeptical blogs and essays about morality, good, evil, the West, and God.” - Breakpoint


Was the Bible Written by Humans?


“I’ve heard critics of biblical inerrancy say, ‘I believe the Bible was written by human beings, not God.’ This statement shows a fundamental ignorance of what people who affirm biblical inspiration and inerrancy actually believe.” - Randy Alcorn


A Time to Be Silent: When to Refrain from Sharing the Gospel

One of the marks of a Christian is a desire to share the good news of the life-transforming gospel with others. In the words of the apostles, “We cannot but speak of what we have seen and heard” (Acts 4:20). But what if a friend, fellow worker, schoolmate, or family member asks us to desist? Does there come a time when we should refrain from speaking to a person about Jesus and Christianity?
