9 Proofs You’re More Than Matter


“At this very moment, you’re doing at least nine things that prove you’re more than a hunk of mindless matter.” - TGC


From the Archives – Audio Book Review: Nancy Pearcey’s Finding Truth

The rhythm of my life in recent years is such that I have little time for paper and ink reading but lots of time for listening. In 2018, I read about sixty books that way. Though nearly all of them edified me in one way or another, most would fall into the category of relatively frivolous fiction. My thinking was that listening, especially while driving, exercising, or doing chores, wouldn’t permit enough concentration to do any thoughtful non-fiction reading—so why bother?


Science, Faith, and the Problem of Pain


“…every worldview under the Sun must deal with the problem of pain and suffering….. having God in the equation is humanity’s last best hope of making sense of this issue.” - Reasons


If I Was the World’s Only Christian…


“If I was the world’s only Christian, or the world’s only kind of Christian, I would have good reason to question my faith….But it’s beautifully and wonderfully true that our God is the God of all kinds of people and that he is building a kingdom of young and old, great and poor, black and white, wise and simple, famous and unknown.” - Challies


To My Atheist (Agnostic?) Facebook Friend

I moved on from our recent, very brief Facebook exchange, thinking it would never come to mind again. I thought, “He’s not even trying, why bother?”

But it keeps circling back. You made me think about how my beliefs might look from your point of view, and you asked a couple of questions that deserve answers.

I’ve decided this, though: I’m not going to try to answer your questions in the messy, more-heat-than-light environment of social media. Instead, a friendly open letter.


Is the Bible a Supernatural Book? — FrontLine


“This issue focuses on Bible prophecies that God has already fulfilled. The purpose is to highlight what God’s prophets predicted in advance which then came to pass. …. God’s Word predicted them clearly, specifically, and accurately ahead of time.” - P&D
